Thursday, October 8, 2009

Next step again

A new month and a new challenge commenced. I reviewed my 'stock' of WIP and found, on two computers, no less than 16 novels in various stages of completion. Very interesting to see my changing targets, likes and dislikes. I've listed them all on a spreadsheet and the aim of the game is to complete these, or to use what I have to work on new stories.

First, I've selected on to work on during October with the RWNZ BI50D challenge group. Then, glutton for punishment as ever, I've signed on for the official NaNoWriMo for November. I will use a rough outline I found as the basis for that one. What with paid work increasing and the opportunity for some season casual work in retail... not to mention the first grandbaby due any moment, where do I apply for more hours in the day?

Monday, September 21, 2009

The beginning... again

I have tried to get a writing career off the ground a number of times. It hasn't worked for a number of reasons. Sometimes it was just that I haven't been disciplined enough, or I've gotten sidetracked from one genre to another. At other times, 'real' life has diverted me and taken over. But it keeps coming back - I keep coming back. I read somewhere that a writer must write - a writer writes. I think this is true. A writer cannot not write. So, here I go again. I have plans and goals in place. They cover fiction, 'faction' and articles. I'm off and stumbling, soon, I hope, to be off and running.