Saturday, August 13, 2011

conference high

I know it's largely conference high, a condition endemic to being surrounded by like souls who love to tell lies on paper, but I'm feeling re-energised. It's starting to feel like I'm finding my way. Deep down, I think I knew what I needed for my writing life, but not how to get it. The light is dawning.

I'm developing a plan and reminding myself - if it is to be, it's up to me

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Taking Stock

I seem to be constantly battling with conflicting loyalties, wants, demands. In the midst of a 'down' patch last week, I had decided that trying to write regularly was proving too much of a struggle and that my attendance at the RWA conference in Melbourne would be a farewell to writing.

Of course, that probably will not happen. I have tried to give up/stop writing on more than one occasion and here I am, still trying. I do need to take stock though. What do I really WANT, what MUST I do, what would I LIKE to do.

This time and space away from all my daily duties, contacts and responsibilities is the ideal time to work this through - I hope.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


The best laid plans...

Lots of ups and downs - too many downs - but life staggering towards an even keel.

Have signed up with a new RWA (Oz) initiative - 500 Club. 500 Words a day, six days a week. Surely I can manage that. Am starting with a new story, aimed at submission to Samhain. Watch this space (but don't hold your breath).

Hmmm... First goal accomplished - blog entry complete.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Update and that time of year again..

Soooo, October came and went. Baby granddaughter was introduced (with encouragement) to the world on September 4. Thankfully, she was a good weight, strong and with a pair of very impressive lungs!

Things are settling with only one or two feeding problems - not so much problems as slight hitches.

Now NaNoWriMo looms. I'm determined to 'pick up' my post conference motivation and win at this year's challenge. Mulling a new story at the back of my mind. Definitely will be a 'pantser' effort but so was the one I completed two years ago.

Wish me luck. Won't be back here until after November - updates on

Thursday, August 26, 2010

So... life and all that

So much for the weekly entries I resolved to make while I was in Coogee. I returned from conference full of motivation and enthusiasm and a plan. Well, you know how that can be. In the early hours of the day after my return, the daughter, at 33 weeks pregnant was carted off to hospital. Her water broke creating anxiety all round.

However, at 34 weeks 5 days, the baby is still firmly encsconced in utero and life seems to be settling again, albeit temporarily, to a fractured normal. When I'm not at work, I spend a lot of time with her, or taking her for hospital appointments when her lovely partner has to work.

I'm still motivated, just tired. LOL. I'm clawing my way back though and will keep working on it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's been a while

It has, indeed, been a while. Things went backwards, resulting in a major meltdown and depression diagnosis. On the upside, my not coping, not being able to manage, and more, has a name and a treatment.

It has been a couple of months, so far, but I'm getting there. As I write this, I am in a hotel room in Coogee, Sydney, at the Romance Writers of Australia conference. I feel like I've come home. Surrounded by writerly friends, many of whom have been concerned for me, and the air full of creativity, I'm feeling motivated and positive. Now to translate that into action.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Onward and upward

With a little help from some herbal friends (not that one), some meditation and organising, I'm feeling so much better. I have not much writing this last week or so, but have tidied up a whole lot of loose ends I had not realised were bothering me. I am job seeking but selectively and meanwhile working on building a portfolio of writing samples and building up my work from home opportunities.