Friday, August 13, 2010

It's been a while

It has, indeed, been a while. Things went backwards, resulting in a major meltdown and depression diagnosis. On the upside, my not coping, not being able to manage, and more, has a name and a treatment.

It has been a couple of months, so far, but I'm getting there. As I write this, I am in a hotel room in Coogee, Sydney, at the Romance Writers of Australia conference. I feel like I've come home. Surrounded by writerly friends, many of whom have been concerned for me, and the air full of creativity, I'm feeling motivated and positive. Now to translate that into action.

1 comment:

  1. Tannia, lovely to catch up with you at the conference. I have indeed been thinking of you and glad to know that you have a diagnosis and treatment. That helps so much.

    I wish you all the best and I hope you hang on to the motivating positivity of the conference. Remember your writing buddies are out here cheering you on!!!
