Saturday, August 13, 2011

conference high

I know it's largely conference high, a condition endemic to being surrounded by like souls who love to tell lies on paper, but I'm feeling re-energised. It's starting to feel like I'm finding my way. Deep down, I think I knew what I needed for my writing life, but not how to get it. The light is dawning.

I'm developing a plan and reminding myself - if it is to be, it's up to me

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Taking Stock

I seem to be constantly battling with conflicting loyalties, wants, demands. In the midst of a 'down' patch last week, I had decided that trying to write regularly was proving too much of a struggle and that my attendance at the RWA conference in Melbourne would be a farewell to writing.

Of course, that probably will not happen. I have tried to give up/stop writing on more than one occasion and here I am, still trying. I do need to take stock though. What do I really WANT, what MUST I do, what would I LIKE to do.

This time and space away from all my daily duties, contacts and responsibilities is the ideal time to work this through - I hope.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


The best laid plans...

Lots of ups and downs - too many downs - but life staggering towards an even keel.

Have signed up with a new RWA (Oz) initiative - 500 Club. 500 Words a day, six days a week. Surely I can manage that. Am starting with a new story, aimed at submission to Samhain. Watch this space (but don't hold your breath).

Hmmm... First goal accomplished - blog entry complete.